About People

Ada ya orang yang pengen kerja cuma setengah hari bukan pengen sih lebih tepatnya mungkin, berharap, of course kerja setengah hari itu enak, menguntungkan, ga cape tapi kan kenyataannya, “Mana ada!!”, jadi dia pengen kerja yang santai, cuma setengah hari or should I say part time, tapi gajinya lumayan, once again I should say, “Mana ada!!”

Pertamanya, dia ga mau teaching, she said that she cannot face kid, so don’t teach kid, you always can teach adults, am I right? Tapi karena maunya dia ya kerja santei itu, so the most flexible job is teaching cos you can choose part-time teaching right, akhirnya she takes it.

I understand between compiling thesis and working need lot of energy so if she just takes one class, it doesn’t matter, yang penting lo menghasilkan duit, tapi gw heran saat sudah selesai thesis itu, ko dia masih bertahan dengan satu kelasnya itu, I mean, kenapa sih ga ambil full time aja, toh udah selesai kan si thesis itu, sambil menunggu pekerjaan baru yang lebih baik, kenapa ga ambil kelas lagi, ato full time aja, kecuali kalo bayarannya sama tapi itu ga mungkin sih pada kenyataannya lo dibayar per hour ato per class, emang selama ini ngapain aja sisa waktu selain dia ga ngajar.

Gw ga nge-judge dia, I just wonder, kadang-kadang gw juga sebel kalo ga ada kerjaan di kantor even actually there are works to do, tapi buat gw sih lebih baik kerjaan yang numpuk dan banyak tapi bos ga ribet daripada kerjaan dikit sebenernya, ga ada lembur malah (cuma pulang aja lama gara-gara bos ga ngerti, padahal gw sama dengan yang lain, posisi kita sama yaitu karyawan yang ingin diperlakukan sama secara adil cuma beda jabatan doank kan, halah jadi curhat ini mah) tapi bos ribetnya setengah mati, hal kecil dan simple aja bisa jadi hal gede dan ribet.
Ok, back to the topic, gw heran ama orang-orang yang santei banget dengan status jobless-nya, tapi case-nya beda dengan yang memang belom dapet kerja ok. It seems like they aren’t trying hard, I know everyone is not me, but me, oh you should see, how many cv that I sent when I almost finish my thesis or even I was still compiling my thesis, or by the time I thought that I should leave my job cos several things don’t work out so I should find another job or even more when I was unemployed, oh you should see that, if you want to get a job, please do it every Saturday, jadi gini nih, tiap sabtu tuh Koran PR dan Kompas banyak iklan job vacancy nya kan, lo liat kira-kira mana yang masuk criteria “a job that you want” terus pilih perusahaan mana yang menjanjikan masa depan yang baik, kirimlah, maks 5 via pos, apalagi kalo via email ya, mau kirim 20 sehari juga, hajar aja. Gitu tuh, kalo mau interview tiap minggu, jangan cuma kirim 1 ato 2 cv aja seminggu, kapan dapetnya kalo gitu. U need more efforts you know.

Ada juga yang bilang, I don’t want teach cos the salary is so not as much as others but yet still wants part time job, ok if you have lot of working experiences in your resume, that’s totally ok you’re saying that, tapi ini keluar dari mulut seseorang yang masih kuliah dan mencari pekerjaan, oh come on, everyone starts from bottom, fresh graduates ga mungkin langsung digaji 5 juta sebulan kan, kecuali lulusan luar negeri ya mungkin aja.

Tapi ada juga yah yang masih diatur dia musti kerja dimana sama orang tuanya, emang sih orang tua itu tau yang terbaik untuk anak-anaknya tapi ga semua juga kaya gitu. Like my mom used to say, that I will be fit to work in small company like advertising or media company with family situation inside, I said “belum tentu lha” (she was saying when I was in high school) but it turns out true, when I had that job training in Citibank, all I was thinking is, my gosh, is the situation really like this hell, haha, my mom is so true about me, ok back to the 2nd topic, jadi she loves teaching, she also has that huge motherhood things not like me, by the time she got accepted as a teacher, her parents said “jangan lama-lama kerja di situ, cari kerja yang lebih baik.” OH TIDAK, it’s not like your daughter works in a bar or night club. Teaching is a great job, even I’m not qualified to be that one, why her parents can even think like that, I totally don’t understand, ok gw setuju, work as course teacher in small course company is not a great future job tapi as fresh g (shorts from graduate) gpp lah kerja setaun, dua taun buat pengalaman, gw setuju untuk tidak bekerja apalagi sampe stuck di small company soalnya sayang you have bachelor degree and that kind of job can easily is taken by diploma degree or lower even tapi as long as you enjoy works in that place and you can actually afford yourself (even the truth is, I think its impossible), yeah be my guess, keep that job cuma jangan sampe terlambat untuk pindah saat lo memasuki level stuck di sebuah company.

Menjelang 5 sept dini hari,,,,,bulan puasa,,,,writer who wants to get in lebaran holiday soon as other her co workers do!!
