This is more than a Goodbye


Cicil : ciee yang sedang hunimun, haneut keneh tina kompor haha
Vera : iya cicil, thanks yaaaa
Cicil : thanks doang, traktir dong, kan berkat jasa gw juga
Vera : iya besok lunch gw traktir di kantin
Cicil : ga elit kantin doang :p
Vera : hayo daripada kaga, pilih mana
Cicil : iye dah dasar pelit lu ver
Vera : eh tapi kita beda 8 tahun loh
Cicil : oh ya, hmm keliatan sih, trus kumaha atuh
Vera : bae weh lah kumaha engke nya :p

To : Taufiq (+62813645734)
Ketemuan di kampus yah, gw selese kul jam 7 ;)
From : Vera (+62812563451)

To :  Vera (+62812563451)
From :  Taufiq (+62813645734)

Dear Diary,

Jleb, why this is happened to me, I might love him, this isn't fair at all, tapi yah udah lah, gimana ntar, perjalanan gw masih panjang, ciao, semangat meski dalem hati termewek-mewek, apa gw kualat yak.


To : Taufiq (+62813645734)
Met bobo, luv u
From : Vera (+62812563451)

To :  Vera (+62812563451)
gud nite, luv u too ;)
From :  Taufiq (+62813645734)


Taufiq : Vera, would you marry me?
Vera : what lu gila ya, kita belum lulus, gak mungkin gak akan dapet lampu ijo dari bokap
Taufiq : but would you?
Vera : :)

Dear Diary,

gw gak mungkin ninggalin dia, with 2 my huge problems and he besides me,
I will stay for him but I am still paranoid, tapi ya
kumaha engke ya we lah.

To : Taufiq (+62813645734)
Met bobo, luv u
From : Vera (+62812563451)

To :  Vera (+62812563451)
gud nite, luv u too ;)
From :  Taufiq (+62813645734)

Jakarta, July 15th 2008
Dear Ms. Vera Astari,

This is offering letter for Administrative Staff at Singapore International School Jakarta, salary per month IDR 2,625,000 (not including health benefit, bonus, over time or work during weekend). You may start on 15th Aug 2008 by sending back this letter to email latest July 30th 2008.

Ms. Shanny Victoria
Principal of
Singapore International School Jakarta


Gw gak pengen kaya bokap, please do that for me.
Vera : Lagi apa ?
Taufiq : Lagi nonton tv
Vera : Nonton apa?
Taufiq : Discovery Channel
Vera : Udah makan?
Taufiq : Udah
Vera : Sama apa?
Taufiq : sama ikan, sayur kacang, sambel
Vera : bos gw rese, masa gw gak dikasih cuti si miss dora dikasih mentang-mentang satu suku, belom lagi gw sakit kmrn dicaci maki lah si dora malah diperhatiin, ah sebel dasarrrrr ahhh pengen resign
Taufiq : bla bla bla bla
Vera : ada cerita apa di kantor ?
Taufiq : yah gitu lah, bla bla bla
Vera : oh ya deh, gw ntn star world dulu ya
Taufiq : ya

Vera : Lagi apa ?
Taufiq : Lagi nonton tv
Vera : Nonton apa?
Taufiq :Kick Andy
Vera : Udah makan?
Taufiq : Udah
Vera : Sama apa?
Taufiq : sama ayam, sayur capcay, sambel, krupuk
Vera : oh ya deh, gw ntn star world dulu ya
Taufiq : ya
To : Taufiq (+62813645734)
gw mau nelpon esia bokap lo, cepetan ya
From : Vera (+62812563451)

To :  Vera (+62812563451)
From :  Taufiq (+62813645734)

Vera : Lagi apa ?
Taufiq : Lagi tiduran
Vera : oh
Vera : Udah makan?
Taufiq : belom
Vera : oh ya deh, gw ntn star world dulu ya
Taufiq : ya


To : Taufiq (+62813645734)
jemput gw ya di kantor, lembur
From : Vera (+62812563451)

To :  Vera (+62812563451)
From :  Taufiq (+62813645734)

Macettttt di jalan aja, tua di jalannn ajaa, surya sumantri kopo begitu menggoda, ciaooo tapinya hmm, solat magrib, mandi, solat isya, makan, cek imel kantor, cuci muka, tidoorrrr

Please, lo berubah buat gw soal itu!!
To : Taufiq (+62813645734)
jemput gw ya di kantor, lembur
From : Vera (+62812563451)

To :  Vera (+62812563451)
From :  Taufiq (+62813645734)

 To : Taufiq (+62813645734)
jemput gw ya di kantor, lembur
From : Vera (+62812563451)

To :  Vera (+62812563451)
From :  Taufiq (+62813645734)

Macettttt di jalan aja, tua di jalannn ajaa, surya sumantri kopo begitu menggoda, ciaooo tapinya hmm, solat magrib, mandi, solat isya, makan, cek imel kantor, cuci muka, tidoorrrr

Makan siang di yogya kepatihan, nonton di braga, makan malem pempek, pulang!!

Lets do it, for you waiting for me 4 years, it is a reward for you even I fight w my mum.
Brengsek, lama banget sih si kampret!!

Gw ditawarin di Bank Korea tapi gajinya cuma 2,8 belom sama lembur sih, gw tolak aja, masih pgn di Bdg :).
Ok nego aja, Senen, Rebo, Jumat & Sabtu jemput gw!!

Loh, gw yah tanda tangan aja wong ditunggu pas itu juga, lah nanti ya gimana nanti.

you never understand me, never will, gw cape ngungkit masalah itu!!

Semua tentang elu!!

Gw jumat pengen sepedahan!!

Kecuali kamu Vera punya rencana lain.
it's officially over 
