Different Job so Different Advantages and Disadvantages

Based on my knowledge and tiny bitsy little experience,,, there are some jobs that you can choose and you can concern about the disadvantages and advantages:

1. First is a job in the school

Actually this is my job now as an administrator (or jaman dulu mah gw the sama dengan te-u alias tata usaha eh tapi bahasa kerennya and bahasa jaman skrg nya siy ya itu tadi that I mentioned above)

The advantages are:
a. you will get a lot of holiday, ya I know you cant take your leave permission for a reason or purpose but the holiday,, oh my gosh,,,is great,,,, first is spring break on March for a week,,, then summer holiday on July for 3 weeks maybe 2 for me cos I’m an admin (damn then why I don’t choose to be a teacher),,, then lebaran holiday on Sept (this year ya) for another 2 weeks and last but not least is Christmas holidat for another 3 weeks,,,, total is 9 weeks or almost 2 months,,,, wow is that great,,,, so basically you just work for 10 month in a year,,, yippiey hehe and that’s not include long weekend and red date ya hahaha

b. you always feel fun cos it’s children kid environment,,,,there’re always lot of little angels with cute smile (if they are not crying ya) you feel like a child again (but this statement only apply for those who like child but who doesn’t sih even me who don’t know how to handle child still love children

c. no overtime,,,,the lateness probably 5 or 6 o’clock and that isn’t happen everyday except in big school ya when I was in bbs,, I went home at 9 o’clock and that’s because we prepare for open house event thing lah,,, you always go home at 4 o’clock

d. the work is actually kinda not much,,,,I have a quite relax time,,,ya I do this in working hours,,,sshhhh don’t tell anyone ;)

but the disadvantages are:
a. there are so many rules, ya just like back then in school before,,, cannot use nail polish,,,hair should thight up,,,,dress should neat,,,cannot shown too much part of private body,,,,should control your language,,,even I cannot eat in my own desk

b. I don’t what’s wrong with school bosses,,,two times work in school,,,the bosses are typical,,,,apa ya,,,,stress,,,para bos tersebut stress abiez lah,,even ya actually all bosses in all company are all stressfull tapi stress nya itu berbeda loh

2. second is a job in a bank

yea,,,even I just had training there in a really really sort of period of time,,,but wow the stressfull is huge so I will tell the disadvantages first:

a. hmmm,,,definitely over time,,,,oh my gosh even in the training I went home at least at 7 pm,,,,WHAT and common time is 9 pm,,,,,NO I DON’T WANT THAT

b. CUT OF TIME,,,,so crazy,,,,this task should be finished at 12 am,,,other tasks should be finish at 4 o’clock,,,,the other one should finish today,,,this night at least,,,OH MY GOSH

c. I don’t know because I am bachelor of art who hates number but not if I’m calculating my own money :D (I’m good at it btw),,,,when I’m learning the system - product - all number things,,,,,I’m like the most stupid person on earth,,,,WHAT,,,,my gpa is good you know (ga nyambung2 banget juga seh hehehe)

d. No internet connection,,,I mean yea there is email connection but just email oh come on so when I can check my status on fesbuk hehehe

e. Back to the over time on point a,,,,okay it’s good if you can play music, there is internet connection,,,,lot of people who also do their over time but if it’s just me and trainer and bosses which the office is not near mine,,,,what,,,,,oh come on guys

f. This actually don’t happen in every bank,,,,but in Citibank,,,,you can barely have lunch outside because of the point b I’ve said,,,yea that fucking cut of time,,,,first you will have your lunch at least 1 o’clock or even 2 and you cannot go out ,,,,oh my gosh,,,no wonder there are lot of stress people out there

And the advantages are only two, I thing, first the prestige that you get,,,you know your parent’s friends used to ask this kind of question:

“kuliah dimana” ====== “di univ A”
“udah beres” ====== “udah tahun x”
“skrg kerja dimana” ===== “di bank L”
“oh di bank anu, hebat dong”

Yupz the prestige that you get,,, the suit which is so formal add more your prestige

And the second is,,,,the long term job benefit,,, it’s true that in 1997 there were lot of banks that got liquidated,,,,but if you are working in a huge bank,,,that wont happen I thing

3. Work in a small company
Advantages&disadvantages: kekeluargaan, terasa lebih akrab satu sama lain antara rekan kerja, full of laughing during work time, gw dua kali kerja di small comp. small comp pertama, gw memang merasakan hal-hal tersebut and really enjoy it, skrg juga gw kerja di small comp dan emang merasakan hal-hal itu tapi kadang2 kesan kekeluargaan malah jadi rese, contoh nih: gw sakit flu langsung dibilangin, minum obat apa lah itu lah, ntar klo gw bilang gara2 apa, jadi direspon ini lah itu lah, bete kan, belum kalo ada hal kecil yang sebenernya bisa diomongin besoknya di kantor eh malah ditelponin berulang2 lewat hp padahal udah pulang kerja,,,humpfh. Emang sih kerjaan ga terlalu padet dan bikin stres tapi perlakuannya itu loh yg jadi bikin tekanan batin hehe

4. Work in education field
It’s great, secara langsung dan ga langsung, lo berperan dalam memajukan bangsa (cie cie) tapi pertanggungan jawaban nya gede menurut gw (esp if you are a teacher), menurut gw, to be a teacher, SATU, anda harus memastikan semua yang anda jelaskan sampai pada murid, DUA, anda juga harus memastikan semua yang anda jelaskan dimengerti oleh murid, TIGA, anda harus memberikan sesuatu yang lebih tidak hanya mengajar teori yang harus diajarkan saja, EMPAT, you have to be a great explainer (and it’s totally not me). Banyak keuntungan of being pre-school teacher, dari yg gw liat, it’s pretty casual, you can wear jeans (if its allowed), setelah ngajar yg biasanya berakhir pukul 12 (menjelang makan siang), santai abis, kerjaan nya seputar prepare art&craft buat besoknya, lesson plan dan semua bisa dikerjakan sambil chit-chat, listening music even using mobile tapi yah itu kudu 150% sabar menghadapi anak apalagi bayi,,,aduh cape d (gw mah ga bisa kayanya) and should creative dan atraktif waktu ngajar!!

5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you fill in by yourself)

cos pengalaman gw baru segitu aja :D
