once I wrote about, what were guys doing when they were in love hehe ~~>> http://puti-anythingiwant.blogspot.com/2011/01/stupid-or-hate-things-on-dating.html and I also wrote what were you doing when you were in love back in teenager~~>> http://puti-anythingiwant.blogspot.com/2009/11/what-are-stupid-things-youve-done-when.html those butterfly effects were so fuckin amazing haha, so does it only happen when we were young, teenager, puppy love hufth, after years in the same path, will we feel again, hmm anyway kalo soal ilfeel alias ilang feeling waktu pedekate hmm,
perfect outside might has imperfect inside, physically hmm so great and perfect, cakep, putih, rapi, wangi, keren, smart, hmm tapi mulutnya bau gak ya hahaha, ato kakinya yang bau, ato pas belom ketemu, dia oke sih tapi jangan-jangan bau ketek *haduh mampus kalo yg itu ato hmm mukanya manis banget, smart, karir ok eh tapi suka lagu dangdut ato lagu nya charly st 12 *makkkk ampunnn dijey haha
amazingly patient but so cold like doesn't care or perfectly beautiful but bitchy inside ;p, no one is perfect, everyone has it flaws, hmm cakep baik rajin solat kaya lagi hmm apa ya kira-kira his flawless? #just saying
perfect outside might has imperfect inside, physically hmm so great and perfect, cakep, putih, rapi, wangi, keren, smart, hmm tapi mulutnya bau gak ya hahaha, ato kakinya yang bau, ato pas belom ketemu, dia oke sih tapi jangan-jangan bau ketek *haduh mampus kalo yg itu ato hmm mukanya manis banget, smart, karir ok eh tapi suka lagu dangdut ato lagu nya charly st 12 *makkkk ampunnn dijey haha
amazingly patient but so cold like doesn't care or perfectly beautiful but bitchy inside ;p, no one is perfect, everyone has it flaws, hmm cakep baik rajin solat kaya lagi hmm apa ya kira-kira his flawless? #just saying