di exsa, I learned and started to love kids, and teaching is not that bad, they are incredibly innocent yet annoying but amazing ;)
di griya, gw belajar bahwa gw punya skill, gw bisa menentukan tembok antara atasan dan bawahan, real work in an office
di citibank, gw belajar bahwa perbankan itu ribet hehehe :p
di bbs, gw belajar that I hate operational tasks and I got the chance to work with expats
di hipy, waw I learned a lottttt, work for them *you know what I mean, got a first cry because of the boss :D *cengeng, working and living alone in a big city without fam, how to handle everything effeciently *pelit maksudnya :D, a lot, thank u bosses *wink
di mitrais, I learned, don't expect too much on ANYTHING!!
di quantum, I learned that management has it flaw, they can be soooo cheap hehe ;)
here, I learned small but feels like fam sometimes stressed me out *lol