Age Phase Cyntia and Aurel

Aurel 17th
Lulus UAN dengan nem memuaskan terutama pelajaran bahasa Inggris hehe, masuk Perguruan Tinggi, UNPAD aja lah ;)

Cyntia 17th
Hmm kuliah jurusan apa ya, pengen masuk NHI jurusan masak kayanya seru yaaa

Aurel 21th
IPK gw harus cum laude semester ini andddd kudu dapet gawean part time

Cyntia 21th
hmmm lulus kuliah Andre ngelamar gw ga yaaa hehe *mupeng pengen married, kayanya seru yaaa bisa berdua terus dengannya :D

Aurel 24th
Thank Lord, I have great carrier in Jakarta, lovely faithful boyfriend, great friends, supporting parents, theres one thing left, SCHOLARSHIP!! abroad if I can

Cyntia 24th
huhuhu Andre ko belom ada tanda-tanda melamar gw hehe emang dia baru lulus dan status nya masih intern huhu ngebet kawin gw tak apa gw jalanin dulu aja jadi tukang ngitung duit alias teller di bank swasta inih ;)

Aurel 25th
Tampaknya gw harus pindah kerja nih, hufth sikon tidak memungkinkan lagi, ciaoo semangat and one more step to get 3 months English Course in Perth yeayyyyy *lancarkan ya Rabb

Cyntia 25th
finally Andre proposed meeee, were getting married in 4 months *alhamdulilah

Aurel 26th
What, ga boleh merit lebih dari Maret, lo pikir diri lo sapa, mending putus aja deh, wong February gw berangkat ke Perth tapi alhamdulilah boleh resign seminggu sebelum berangkat dan masih dapet gaji ;)

Cyntia 26th
I am sooo happyyy, we're on honeymoon to Bali ;), I love Andre
Aurel 27th
Perth is fuckin amazing and I got a job as media analyst at Media Indonesia Jakarta after I got back to Indonesia even I broke up with him, Ferdi is my new life now, he's such a sweet man and I've never been so sure getting married with him.

Cyntia 26th
I am pregnant now, can't wait to have my baby boy ;) even kudu resign yaa

Aurel 28th
We're getting married, with my great carrier and experience and with his banking carrier, we will be a great couple, welcome my new life.

Cyntia 28th
It's so hard getting job after married and have one little baby boy :(
