Hehe seperti yang sudah diulang-ulang beberapa kali, saya gak punya kampung *mungkin nanti punya hueheheheh :p jadi gak pernah mudik jadi jarang naek kereta, yah bis juga kemana gitu, kapal lau belom pernah, pesawat baru 2 kali hehe paling jauh so far ke bali dan belitung hehe :p *sombong *nyengir kaya kuda (kenapa musti kuda ya heuheu) pengalaman pertama naek pesawat hmm biasa aja hehe *gaya, justru pernah naek small boat malah mabok :p, temen saya bilang naek pesawat so scarry, seperti naek roll coaster tapi nyeremin hehe tapi buat saya yah bener sih pas take off sama landing kaya naek wahana-wahana di dufan tapi tidak semenyeramkan yang dibayangkan cuma sakit kuping aja karena tekanan udara tapi sudah menemukan tips nya, makan permen atau bernafas lewat mulut *dikasih tau temen juga hehe
Dan saat saya naek pesawat pun haha *wong ndeso :p saya begitu ter-amazed *what a bad English :D, hmm kita musti bukan say thank u lagi meureun nya sama Wright bersaudara yang menciptakan aeroplane, bisa ya bikin pesawat, jarak ribuan jutaan kilo meter bisa ditempuh dalam beberapa jam saja *hebatttttt hehe, ko bisaaaa haha *ketauan gak pernah merhatiin pelajaran fisika hehe *I dont like physic btw :p, kecepatannya yang sepersekian detik sepersekian km kali haha *ampun fisikaaaa *lol
Berikut sekilas tentang Wrights Brothers and the aeroplane history *wikipedia ;)
The Wright brothers, Orville (August 19, 1871 – January 30, 1948) and Wilbur (April 16, 1867 – May 30, 1912), were two Americans credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane and making the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight, on December 17, 1903. In the two years afterward, the brothers developed their flying machine into the first practical fixed-wing aircraft. Although not the first to build and fly experimental aircraft, the Wright brothers were the first to invent aircraft controls that made fixed-wing powered flight possible.
The brothers' fundamental breakthrough was their invention of three-axis control, which enabled the pilot to steer the aircraft effectively and to maintain its equilibrium. This method became standard and remains standard on fixed-wing aircraft of all kinds. From the beginning of their aeronautical work, the Wright brothers focused on developing a reliable method of pilot control as the key to solving "the flying problem". This approach differed significantly from other experimenters of the time who put more emphasis on developing powerful engines. Using a small homebuilt wind tunnel, the Wrights also collected more accurate data than any before, enabling them to design and build wings and propellers that were more efficient than any before.Their first U.S. patent, 821,393, did not claim invention of a flying machine, but rather, the invention of a system of aerodynamic control that manipulated a flying machine's surfaces.
Waktu ke Bali naek air asia, sore dari Bandung sampe malem di Bali hmm just around 30 minutes somethin, di pesawat itu berasa gak gerak beda kaya mobil kan ya hehe kerasa atau di laut juga mengombang-ngambing langsung mual haha, beneran agak parno sih belum tau prosedur naek pesawat seperti yang bisa dibaca pada blog sebelumnya hehe, tanya-tanya temen terus membayangkan seperti di film, discan koper tapi ternyata eh tidak seribet itu alhamdulilah sih brgkt dr Bandung yang small airport kalo di jakarta saya pasti sukses bingung haha, kirain kaya di film ya ribet di scan yah gak usah di film lah saya ke kedubes amrik aja sampe gak boleh bawa masuk payung tapi di airport tidak hehe :p, lalu saya pikir connecting hall dari airport ke pesawat kaya di film *keukeuh si neneng you know katanya Garuda sih gitu mungkin karena pesawat tiket murah jadi yah turun tangga jalannn berasa naek bis jurusan pulo gadung bekasi haha, trus naek tangga pesawat deh haha *wong ndesooo ;p, kmrn ke Belitung naek Batavia, pegi siang jam 12 an sampe jam setengah 2 karena hujan si pesawat puter-puter dulu hehe tapi saya sih gak terlalu parno, baca bismillah sama doa aja seblm take off yah kalo emang murag nya murag weh haha *pasrah :D, okay seperti biasa next flight kemanaa yaa, Bangka, SIngapore or Aussie *aminnnn ya Allah hehe :D
kurang lebih begini hehe :p
I thought like on the movie, but garuda said using this :D