Causative (abbreviated CAUS)
is a form that indicates that a subject causes someone or something
else to do or be something, or causes a change in state of a non-volitional event.
All languages have ways to express causation, but differ in the means. Some languages have morphological devices (such as inflection) that change verbs into their causative forms, or adjectives into verbs of becoming. Other languages employ periphrasis, with idiomatic expressions or auxiliary verbs. All languages also have lexical causative forms (such as English rise → raise).
All languages have ways to express causation, but differ in the means. Some languages have morphological devices (such as inflection) that change verbs into their causative forms, or adjectives into verbs of becoming. Other languages employ periphrasis, with idiomatic expressions or auxiliary verbs. All languages also have lexical causative forms (such as English rise → raise).
kalimat dimana menggunakan tiga verba : have, make, get
make mengandung makna paksaan
get mengandung makna fakta
I have a hairstylist cut my hair.
I, pronoun diikuti verba
pertama have, a hairstylist objek yang memotong rambut saya. *Cut sebagai verba
I had a plumber fix the kitchen sink.
Bentuk pasif nya : I had
the kitchen sink fixed by a plumber.
Budi, my foster father gets me to wash the
For that, Congress made government set
prisoner free for justice.