serial story

so it was like kinda target came true..

setelah gw menderita penderitaan yg bertubi tubi pdhl perencanaan sudah matang maybe this is my happiness..

I was 25 years old, saat itu cowo yg menjadi pacar sudah berapa kali entah tak terhitung mengajak saya menikah tapi selalu saya pending..

nanti ya belum lulus
nanti ya baru kerja
nanti ya kontrak nanggung
nanti ya blm pindah bandung

dan nanti lainnya
dan ajakan lainnya

hingga 2 th kemudian when we actually are on engaged we were on a break and I moved back to Jakarta..

so I met this one at one of office project, we got set up by all partners, he was cute I was single..

a year later we got married..

I was 29 that time and it is time to get married

jadi tujuan lo nikah apa?

dulu gw salah sih, tujuan nikah punya anak..

i think its a bullshit klo nikah ya gitu kaya tv stereotype, mgkn klo gw lebih ke lifepartner when youre old youre not alone, friend for share brain opinion, travel the world..

"Sorry nih are you married or having boyfriend?" cos I wanna talk with you outside office

"Nope im already divorced and i guess its ok to get out since its kinda jangarrr :D"

"Ok then after work ya makan di gancit"


dia gak pernah nyentuh gw pdhl dia bukan islam orthodoks sementara laki laki lain udah main nyosor sana sini pegang sana sini

he hug me once, meluk dari samping

even dia gak mau tuh pegangan tangan

he gently touch my hand (lengan) slowly when we are together

i wonder is he gay?

the reason i got divorce i dunno i am 32, she is 25.. i guess she is too young.. all she wants is to be together all the time.. while i am so busy running my own business working in company..

its silly nyalon aja kudu ditemenin

This is the story of Kania and Rendra..two souls that were separated by time and partner..when finally they will find their happiness..

