Grey's Anatomy S.18 #seriesreview #abcseries #disneystreaming

Saking pengen nunggu tamat 😂 sampe lupa loh beberapa minggu lalu diriku sudah nonton Episode baru si mba Grey ini di tahun yang ke-18 nya, ya ampyun. Untung ada di Disney dan diriku selalu dapat gratisan karena beli kuota buat anak2 nge-zoom, eh faya juga deh.

Copas dari wikipedia

"Here Comes the Sun"

As she ponders what to do with her life having survived COVID, Meredith travels to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to attend the opening of a library dedicated to her mother. While there, she reconnects with Dr. Nick Marsh, whom she treated years ago. Dr. David Hamilton, a former colleague of her mother's who is suffering from Parkinson's disease, reveals his plan to open up a state-of-the-art research center dedicated to curing the disease with Meredith as the public face of the project to attract talent. After his youngest son's panic attacks, Hayes connects with Bailey as they interview candidates to replace Jackson, Tom and Jo, who adjusts to life as a single mother and OB/GYN resident with Levi's help. Following her rejecting his proposal, Amelia and Link struggle to maintain their relationship while Maggie and Winston enjoy their honeymoon phase. Owen and Teddy tie the knot in Joe's bar with a newly single Megan officiating after their planned ceremony in the park is ruined by a tandem bike crashing into the priest.

Nah jadi gitu ceritanya ahaha, saya sih berharap setelah 18 tahun ini Grey has the closure ya meski tanda-tandanya sudah muncul yaitu dia mau pindah ke Minnesota karena ada proyek untuk Parkinson Disease, malah doi ngajak Amelia, adiknya tapi gak tau juga deh, beberapa fans barunya tergila2 sementara kita yang udah ngikutin dari awal udah sangat bosennnn. Season ini juga udah gak ada Avery, Deluca dan siapa cem2an nya Teddy. Tapi ngeliat 3 eps kemaren ada pencerahan maksudnya agak lumayan karena ada tamu si Addison, 

 Let's see lah ya semoga sih udahan aja, Shonda bikin baru lagipula udah agak bosen medical series tuh, kemaren nonton Code Black, dan semacamnya, kinda lost. Ok lah Grey's diantos terakhirnya....
